How Does Medical Weight Loss Differ From Other Diet Programs?

For many men and women, losing weight is one of the most difficult and frustrating challenges they will face. In fact, some people struggle to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight for their entire lives. While there are countless diet programs and weight loss methods on the market today, it can be virtually impossible to achieve and maintain your ideal results without the support and care of a medical expert. Board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the knowledgeable team at Body Bar MD are proud to offer personalized medical weight loss solutions in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN to help you reach your goals. Discover more about medical weight loss here, including how it works and why it may be a better option than your current diet program.

What is the best diet plan for weight loss?

There are countless diet and weight loss plans available today, many of which seem too good to be true. Regardless of the specific details of each diet plan, achieving or maintaining your weight loss goals with these methods is often impossible. This is due in part to the fact that self-guided weight loss presents a number of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, including a lack of proper education and support. Additionally, weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all process, and most men and women benefit more through a customized approach to losing weight. For these patients, medical weight loss may be an ideal solution.

What is supervised weight loss?

Medical weight loss programs, sometimes referred to as supervised weight loss, are customizable solutions that work to help patients reach their weight loss goals by addressing a full scope of concerns, including:

  • Current weight
  • Cause of weight gain
  • Obstacles hindering weight loss
  • Genetics/heredity
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Underlying conditions
  • Medications
  • Psychological factors, such as food addiction
  • Inability to stick to a diet plan

What does a medical weight loss program include?

One of the most beneficial aspects of medically supervised weight loss is that it can be completely customized to meet the needs, goals, and personal factors of each patient’s case. With routine monitoring, progress evaluation, and compassionate support, medical weight loss offers patients the unique opportunity to approach weight loss with the confidence and guidance they need to succeed. Depending on a patient’s specific needs and situation, a medical weight loss program may include:

  • Personalized diet plan
  • Customized healthy exercise/fitness plan
  • Behavioral therapy/behavior modification
  • Counseling
  • Progress evaluation
  • Routine monitoring
  • Emotional support
  • Weight loss medications

During your initial consultation for medical weight loss in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, Dr. Christy will take a thorough health history, including previous weight loss efforts and diet programs you may have attempted, and perform any necessary studies – such as blood work, imaging, and cardiac tests – to determine your eligibility for medically supervised weight loss. With the help of the revolutionary InBody 720 body measurement scanner, Dr. Christy will be able to custom tailor your weight loss plan to meet your exact physiologic needs.

For some patients, Dr. Christy may also recommend the addition of the highly popular Robard New Direction nutritional products, which can be delivered straight to your door for added convenience.

Set yourself up for success with medically supervised weight loss in Indiana

If you are frustrated with yo-yo dieting and can’t seem to achieve or maintain the weight loss results you are desperate for, medical weight loss may be right for you. Whether you are in need of a full body transformation or simply need help living a healthy lifestyle so you can keep off those last few pounds, medical weight loss expert Dr. Christy is here to help. To learn more about the exciting possibilities of medical weight loss, call either of Body Bar MD’s convenient locations in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson today. We look forward to helping you live and love the life you deserve!

Will Bioidentical Hormones Make You Gain Weight?

For many women considering hormone replacement therapy, unwanted weight gain is one of their main complaints. So, the risk of gaining even more weight as a side effect of hormone replacement therapy is particularly concerning and often deters patients from getting the treatment they need. Board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson of Body Bar MD understands the complex nature of hormone imbalance and is proud to offer advanced bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN to help patients regain control of their lives and finally feel better than ever. Learn more about hormone replacement therapy here, including what side effects you may expect.

What are the signs of hormone imbalance?

Hormone levels naturally change at various points during every person’s life, including puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and more. Additionally, underlying conditions, certain medications, and other factors can impact hormone levels. Because the hormones play such a major role in the regulation of so many important physiologic processes, hormone imbalance can cause a number of frustrating and disruptive symptoms, including:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness (women)
  • Loss of bone and/or muscle mass
  • Hair loss
  • Low libido

What is the best hormonal imbalance treatment?

While synthetic hormone replacement therapy has long been used to treat hormonal imbalance symptoms, Dr. Christy prefers the more efficient and natural benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in the form of BioTE® pellets. Rather than using artificial hormone compounds, BHRT contains plant-based hormones that are structurally designed to mimic the body’s natural hormones. This allows for more efficient absorption and symptom control. Furthermore, the unique BioTE pellet delivery system offers a constant dose of hormones in order to avoid upswings and downswings in a patient’s symptoms.

What are the side effects of bioidentical hormone pellets?

For most men and women, plant-based hormone pellets cause fewer side effects when compared with synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Because BioTE pellets are made from natural substances that mimic the body’s own hormones, patients are typically able to absorb and process the hormones more efficiently and avoid complications, such as adverse or allergic reactions, rollercoaster symptoms, and more. However, there are some potential side effects associated with taking BioTE hormone pellets, many of which can be attributed to the change in hormone levels themselves rather than a reaction to the medication. These may include:

  • Weight fluctuation (loss or gain)
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Acne flare-ups
  • Unwanted hair growth
  • Mood changes
  • Spotting or cramping (women)

Again, many of these potential side effects are temporary and often occur as the result of the body adjusting to the sudden increase in hormones. Once the hormone levels reach the normal physiologic range and become balanced, patients will likely notice a dramatic improvement in any side effects they may have been experiencing. Additionally, the innovative BioTE system allows your provider to precisely customize your BHRT plan to ensure you get the most appropriate and effective hormone dose. During your follow-up appointments, Dr. Christy will carefully monitor your hormone levels with blood work and discuss any symptoms or negative side effects you may have. Using this information, Dr. Christy can adjust your BioTE dose accordingly.

Can bioidentical hormones cause weight gain?

Metabolism is one of the many physiologic processes greatly influenced by hormone levels. When a person’s hormones are elevated or too low, he or she can experience unexpected weight loss or weight gain. Additionally, the introduction of hormone replacement therapy can also cause the weight to fluctuate. However, weight gain as a side effect of BHRT is usually a temporary phenomenon related to the sudden change in hormone levels, an inappropriate dose of hormones, or another factor. As a patient’s hormones reach the normal range, he or she will likely be able to return to a stable, healthy weight. In fact, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is actually a highly effective tool for weight loss in certain cases. During your initial consultation for BioTE hormone therapy in Indiana, Dr. Christy will carefully discuss your symptoms and goals – including weight gain and weight loss – to help determine whether BHRT may be right for you.

Regain control of your weight, health, and happiness with BioTE hormone replacement therapy in Terre Haute, IN

Hormonal imbalance can undoubtedly wreak havoc on a person’s overall health, happiness, and day-to-day life. From weight gain to chronic fatigue, the frustrating symptoms of unbalanced hormone levels seem virtually endless. If you are looking for a reliable, effective, and long-lasting hormone solution in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, call Body Bar MD to schedule your private consultation with sought-after wellness expert and board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson today. We look forward to helping you get the relief you deserve with BioTE bioidentical hormone replacement therapy!

How Many Pounds Can You Lose With Laser Liposuction?

If you have ever considered liposuction for removing stubborn pockets of fat but would prefer a less invasive treatment with faster results and a shorter recovery period, laser liposuction may be right for you! Board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the award-winning teams at Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute are proud to be the only certified providers in Indiana of the groundbreaking Alma BeautiFill® laser liposuction system. Learn more about the benefits of laser liposuction here, including how much fat you can expect to lose and how the harvested fat can be used to enhance other areas of your body, all within a single procedure.

What is laser liposuction?

Laser liposuction with fat grafting is an exciting body contouring procedure designed to trim excess fat from one area of the body and use that fat to augment another area of the body in a single treatment. Due in part to the advanced technology of the Alma BeautiFill laser lipo system, as well as the fact that the procedure can be performed with local anesthesia and sedation right in our office, patients typically enjoy a more efficient treatment, quicker results, and a speedier recovery compared with traditional liposuction.

Where can laser lipo fat transfer be performed?

Laser liposuction with fat transfer is an excellent option for patients looking to remove small to medium-sized deposits of stubborn fat in certain areas and use that excess fat to fill out other areas.

Common areas for laser liposuction fat removal include:

  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Knees
  • Ankles

Common sites for fat transfer after laser lipo include:


  • Breasts
  • Lips
  • Face
  • Butt

How much weight can you lose with laser liposuction?

Patients considering laser liposuction should understand that the treatment is designed as a fat reduction solution and is not a substitute for weight loss. In fact, ideal candidates for laser liposuction should already be at or near their goal weight and have maintained that healthy, stable weight for at least 6 – 12 months before treatment.

The amount of fat that can be removed during laser lipo does not directly correlate to how many pounds you may lose after the procedure. Keep in mind that a portion of the harvested fat will be transferred to another area of your body. Furthermore, some patients may notice a dramatic difference in the contour of their body with several inches lost, though there may not necessarily be a significant change in their weight. Oftentimes, the enhancements made with laser liposuction serve as a motivation for patients to ramp up their health and fitness routines, resulting in additional weight loss after the procedure.

During your initial consultation for laser lipo in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN, Dr. Christy will carefully evaluate your areas of concern, discuss your goals, and give you a realistic idea of what results you can expect after your treatment.

Get rid of unwanted fat – or use it to fill out another part of your body – with advanced laser liposuction and fat transfer in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN

Even patients who maintain a healthy weight and fair shape can still struggle with problem areas of stubborn fat and/or volume loss. For these men and women, laser liposuction with fat grafting offers the exciting opportunity to fine-tune their physique with fat removal and augmentation in a single, swift step with minimal downtime and stunning results. To find out whether you are a candidate for laser liposuction at either of Body Bar MD’s state-of-the-art facilities in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN, call our knowledgeable team to schedule your consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson today!

Can KYBELLA Really Melt Away My Double Chin?

Among the most frustrating and discouraging cosmetic concerns for men and women alike is having a double chin. When diet and exercise fail to reduce stubborn fat under the chin, cosmetic surgery can certainly help. However, many patients are unable or unwilling to undergo an invasive surgical procedure. For these patients, achieving a smoother, firmer, slimmer neckline is still possible thanks to KYBELLA®, a revolutionary injectable product designed to destroy double chin fat. Board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson and the expert team at Body Bar MD are proud to offer KYBELLA under chin fat injections at both of their convenient locations in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN. Learn more about KYBELLA here, including what results you can expect after treatment and how long they may last.

What is KYBELLA used for?

KYBELLA is an exciting and innovative cosmetic injectable that aims to target and destroy stubborn fat cells in the upper neck and under the chin. Patients who struggle with the appearance of a double chin that does not respond to consistent diet and exercise can benefit greatly by the fat reduction properties of KYBELLA injections. Furthermore, KYBELLA offers the unique opportunity to lose neck fat and achieve a slimmer, firmer neckline without the expense and downtime associated with traditional cosmetic surgery.

How does KYBELLA work?

During KYBELLA treatment, which can be performed in as little as 15 minutes, patients will sit comfortably in one of our treatment rooms. While KYBELLA is not particularly painful, Dr. Kristy typically applies a topical numbing agent to help minimize any discomfort during the treatment. Finally, a series of strategic KYBELLA injections will be administered to the patient’s upper neck and double chin area.

When will I see results after KYBELLA injections?

Patients should begin to notice an improvement in their double chin about 4 – 6 weeks after KYBELLA injections, though the full results can take up to six months to develop as the body absorbs the destroyed fat cells and the neck begins to show its newly slim contour.

How many KYBELLA injections do you need for double chin removal?

The majority of patients are able to achieve their ideal results after a single KYBELLA session. For patients with a larger volume of stubborn fat, a second or subsequent round of KYBELLA injections may be needed.

How long does KYBELLA last?

The fat cells destroyed with KYBELLA will not return to the body. However, remaining fat cells can become enlarged with weight gain, and new fat cells can also be generated. For this reason, it is critical that patients considering KYBELLA are committed to maintaining a healthy and stable weight in order to preserve their KYBELLA results.

Should I get neck lipo or KYBELLA?

The choice between surgical neck liposuction and nonsurgical KYBELLA injections is ultimately up to the patient and the provider’s recommendations. While neck liposuction can certainly produce stunning and long-lasting results, some patients prefer a less invasive alternative. However, patients with more severe and/or additional concerns, such as loose neck skin along with stubborn neck fat, may be better suited to a combination of surgical neck lift plus liposuction. Ideal candidates for KYBELLA injections should be:

  • In good health
  • At a healthy, stable weight
  • Frustrated by stubborn fat under the chin and on the upper neck
  • Attempted to improve their double chin with diet and exercise
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Have realistic expectations for their results
  • Desire a minimally invasive, nonsurgical alternative to neck lipo

During your initial consultation for KYBELLA in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN, Dr. Kristy will thoroughly evaluate and discuss your concerns in order to determine if you are a good candidate for injectable neck fat reduction.

Get the slim, smooth, sexy neckline you’ve always wanted with KYBELLA double chin treatment in Carmel, IN

Everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin without having to undergo expensive cosmetic surgery. To learn more about the life-changing benefits of KYBELLA, call the knowledgeable team at either of Body Bar MD’s convenient locations in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician and aesthetic anti-aging expert Dr. Christy Watson today. We look forward to helping you achieve the stunning results you have been dreaming of with KYBELLA!

How Does BHRT Treat Andropause Symptoms in Men?

As women age, they face the fact that sooner or later, they will start experiencing menopause symptoms – weight gain, fatigue, moodiness, and a low sex drive. But a lesser-known fact is that men face something similar called andropause. While it might seem like “a fact of life” to face these symptoms, these signs of aging are often more than that; they’re usually a sign of a hormonal imbalance, which can be helped with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

Board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson offers her Carmel and Terre Haute, IN patients a way to treat their hormone imbalances so they can get back to feeling like themselves again and living their best life! At Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy and her team are passionate about helping their patients treat their symptoms using holistic and natural treatments so they can live a life of peace and happiness.

What is BHRT?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a pellet therapy that is used to balance hormone levels for both men and women. The pellet is placed under your skin and releases hormones specific to your particular needs. As your hormones start to balance out, you will begin to notice the side effects of your hormone imbalance — the moodiness, weight gain, low sex drive, and more— begin to lessen.

How does BHRT help men?

Many may not know this, but testosterone levels peak in men around the age of 17 – 18. That means before these boys even become men, they have likely reached their prime. Testosterone is much more than what fuels their sex drive — it also fuels their height, energy, and strength. By their 20s, men will notice their testosterone levels starting to plateau and a decline in their 30s. From there, they’ll notice signs and symptoms of andropause that include:

  • Mood swings
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Lack of energy
  • Insomnia
  • Poor concentration
  • Reduced sex drive

During a one-on-one appointment with Dr. Christy in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, men will discuss their andropause symptoms, as well as their medications, health history, family history, medical history, and more. All of this information will give Dr. Christy an idea of where you are lacking and what hormones to include in your personalized BHRT pellet. From there, plant-based bioidentical hormone replacement pellets will be created and inserted under the skin near the hip. The size of a grain of rice, these pellets will slowly release hormones into the bloodstream and last for about 3 – 6 months, and over time, you should notice a decrease in your andropause symptoms.

BHRT is a wonderful option for both men and women, as the natural and plant-based components give few side effects and there is virtually no recovery period after getting the pellet inserted.

If you have started to notice mood swings, lack of energy, insomnia, or low sex drive, it could be a sign that your hormone levels are off. Utilizing a pellet the size of a grain of rice, Dr. Christy Watson can help men and women relieve menopause and andropause symptoms, so you can get back to enjoying all the little pleasures of life. For more information, call Body Bar MD at our Terre Haute or Carmel, IN offices to schedule a consultation with Dr. Christy.

Where Does The Fat Go After Laser Liposuction?

When you think of liposuction, you are probably focused on getting rid of fat for good. You may be surprised to learn, however, that the fat removed during liposuction can actually be used to enhance other parts of your body. What’s more, laser liposuction can actually remove fat, purify it, and prepare it for transfer in one simple process with less downtime and fewer side effects compared to traditional liposuction! The exceptional team at Body Bar MD, led by board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson, is the only group in Indiana approved to use the cutting-edge Alma BeautiFill® laser liposuction system and offers it at both of their convenient locations in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN. Discover how laser lipo works, including where it can be used, what happens to the harvested fat, and what life-changing results may be possible for you.

What is laser lipo?

Laser liposuction, sometimes referred to as laser fat reduction, is an innovative procedure designed to remove stubborn pockets of fat with less downtime and fewer side effects compared to traditional liposuction. In addition to being a fantastic option for minimally invasive fat pocket removal, laser lipo also boosts collagen production for a youthful skin tightening effect. When performed using the FDA-approved Alma BeautiFill technology, laser liposuction with Dr. Christy offers both fat reduction and fat transfer in a single procedure.

How is laser liposuction performed?

Dr. Christy is proud to offer laser liposuction in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN at both of Body Bar MD’s state-of-the-art facilities. During a laser lipo treatment, which typically takes about 1 – 2 hours and is performed while the patient is under local anesthesia, patients will lie comfortably in one of our procedure rooms. The treatment sites are cleansed, and Dr. Christy will then insert a thin tube, or cannula, through tiny incisions in the skin. The Alma BeautiFill system then works to extract unwanted fat cells and purify them for transfer to another area. Once the harvested fat has been prepared, Dr. Christy will inject it into the desired location in thin, meticulous layers in order to sculpt a stunning, natural-looking new contour.

Where is laser liposuction used on the body?

It is important to keep in mind that laser lipo has two treatment locations: the area of fat removal and the fat transfer site. Some of the most common areas for laser fat reduction include:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Butt
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Face

Once these fat cells have been removed using laser lipo, they are often transferred to one or more of the following areas:

  • Face
  • Cheeks
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks

During our initial consultation for Terre Haute or Carmel, IN laser liposuction, Dr. Christy will evaluate your areas of concern, discuss your personal goals, answer all of your questions, and help determine how laser lipo can best benefit you.

How long does laser liposuction last?

The fat cells removed during laser liposuction will not return to their original site. However, remaining fat cells in the area can become enlarged with weight gain, and brand-new fat cells can develop. When transferred to another location, the majority of fat cells will survive, though a small percentage will likely die during the process. Dr. Christy accounts for this loss rate when calculating how much fat to transfer during each procedure. Laser lipo patients should also keep in mind that weight fluctuation can affect both the liposuction and fat transfer sites. Without a doubt, the best way to maintain your laser lipo results for many years is to avoid significant weight fluctuation.

Get the benefits of two procedures in one with laser liposuction and fat transfer in Indiana

If you are frustrated by stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise but want to avoid the downtime and side effects associated with plastic surgery, then laser liposuction may be right for you. And if being able to use your harvested fat to actually improve another part of your body sounds intriguing, that is all the more reason to consider this exciting – and often life-changing – procedure. Call the Body Bar MD team at either of our locations in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician and healthcare expert Dr. Christy Watson, and discover how laser liposuction can give you the gorgeous physique you’ve always wanted with trimming and plumping in one easy step!

What Can Restylane Be Used For?

Dermal fillers, like Restylane®, are changing the way we appear to age. More people turn to cosmetic injections to restore facial volume and act as an effective wrinkle treatment to look years younger. The best part of noninvasive “miracle workers,” like Restylane, is they require no surgery or lengthy downtime. With many nonsurgical ways to rejuvenate your face, it isn’t easy to know what you might need and which injectable to choose.

Here is a more in-depth look at Restylane and its line of hyaluronic acid-based products to restore facial volume and smooth out wrinkles from board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson. Dr. Christy and her expert team at Body Bar MD are dedicated to helping patients tackle facial signs of aging by offering various nonsurgical options at both locations in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN. Read on to learn more about Restylane and where it is most effective to put your best face forward.

What is Restylane, and how does it work?

Restylane is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler used to augment lips, smooth out wrinkles, and restore lost volume in the face, giving Body Bar MD patients a more natural and younger-looking appearance. Available at either our Terre Haute or Carmel, IN office, Restylane is a wrinkle treatment that temporarily minimizes the signs of mild to moderate facial aging. With multiple formulas, it can be customized for every patient to address their cosmetic concerns. Within the Restylane family of products, different types can be used to manage the following:

  • Add volume or fullness to the cheeks and back of the hands
  • Correct moderate to severe lines around the nose and corner of the mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Lip augmentation
  • Minimize the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

How long does Restylane last?

Temporary injectables, like dermal fillers or BOTOX®, are rising in popularity and don’t appear to be slowing down. Studies show that plastic surgeons are witnessing an increase in patients in their 20s or 30s partaking in cosmetic injectables as a preventive measure to get a jump start on the aging process. Early intervention helps keep future wrinkles at bay, and popular brands like Restylane are at the top of the list. With a full treatment of Restylane, Body Bar MD patients can see lasting results for:

  • 12 – 18 months around the mouth or nasolabial folds
  • Up to 12 months in the cheeks
  • 3 – 6 months for lips
  • Up to six months in the back of the hands

Am I the right candidate for Restylane?

Anyone 21 years of age or older with skin in good condition is usually a viable candidate for Restylane. It is made from a synthetic version of the body’s natural hyaluronic acid (HA), a necessary component found in the connective tissue within our body in such areas as the lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and mouth. Hyaluronic acid plays a supportive role in nourishing the collagen and water found in our skin, giving it that plump, youthful appearance. As these two essential agents dwindle with age, tissue cells can no longer hold enough water and collagen, leading to the skin losing elasticity. Restylane temporarily adds more hyaluronic acid back into those target areas to restore facial volume and fullness, and reduce visible signs of moderate to severe lines and wrinkles.

Restylane is effective at temporarily fighting the signs of facial aging and revealing younger-looking skin. During an initial consultation at Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy Watson will thoroughly evaluate any concerns to determine which variation of Restylane or combination of injectables will be the best option to achieve your aesthetic goals. Are you ready to diminish the signs of aging skin and look younger? We invite you to contact the caring team at Body Bar MD and schedule your consultation at one of our locations in Carmel or Terra Haute, IN. You can feel more confident about how you look and push the refresh button on your skin by calling today.

How is a Medical Weight Loss Plan Created?

Are you struggling to lose weight on your own? At Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy Watson offers medical weight loss plans to patients throughout Carmel and Terre Haute, IN. Our weight loss doctors understand that diet and exercise alone may not procedure the results that our patients are looking for. During supervised weight loss treatment, we provide our patients with professional diet plans, behavior modification suggestions, and counseling. Unless you take action, weight problems can continue to worsen and affect your health. This is why supervised medical weight loss is so important.

What is medical weight loss?

With the help of our physician, Dr. Christy, at Body Bar MD, we can help our patients achieve the weight loss they are looking for with a low-calorie diet, different supplements for weight loss medications, and nutritional counseling. Obesity can lead to increased blood pressure or cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, all of which shorten your life. With the help of medical weight loss, our weight loss doctors can help you live a healthier and longer life in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN.

Am I a candidate for medical weight loss?

Weight loss can be difficult for different reasons for our patients. Before we design a custom treatment plan, we must determine if someone is a candidate for weight-loss treatment. Patients that are not eligible for medical weight loss treatment at Body Bar MD:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Have had cancer or a history of heart disease, kidney dysfunction, or thyroid disorder

During a consultation, Dr. Christy can discuss your medical history and perform a thorough medical exam to determine your candidacy for medical weight loss.

What happens during a medical weight loss consultation?

To receive medical weight loss help, you will have a consultation with Dr. Christy at our Carmel or Terre Haute, IN, office. She will assess your health, perform lab testing, learn about your medical history, and conduct a body composition analysis that will help determine your BMI and body fat. We approach weight loss holistically, which means we evaluate the factors that may affect your weight gain. This can include your family, your lifestyle, your health, or your mindset. We will look into emotional triggers that may affect your path to weight loss.

Some of our weight loss services include:

  1. Behavior modifications: This includes diet and exercise suggestions that reduce caloric intake.

  2. Menu plans: We provide nutritional counseling with meal plans.

  3. Weight-loss medication or supplements: HCG medication, along with a low-calorie diet, can help reset your metabolism without the feelings of hunger. Dr. Christy can also prescribe other medications based on a patient’s needs. She may offer suggestions for supplements that the patient is deficient in, which can affect their weight loss efforts.

During supervised weight loss, you will have regular check-ins to determine your progress. Dr. Christy will create a maintenance plan for patients who have achieved their weight loss goals and want to maintain them for a lifetime. She provides the support you need for long-term weight loss.

Take control of your health and your weight today with medical weight loss

Losing weight under medical supervision with Dr. Christy Watson enables you to achieve the weight loss you’ve always wanted. At Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN, we have helped patients change their lifestyles and lose weight. By losing weight, their health has improved dramatically, and their lifespan is expected to be much longer. Our weight loss doctors create personalized treatment plans that suit each patient and their health. To schedule a consultation to learn more about medical weight loss, call our one of our Indiana offices today.

Can Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Treat Menopause Symptoms?

As we age, we might start to notice things like weight gain, fatigue, lack of energy, moodiness, and more. These are often signs of declining hormones, a natural process as we age. For women, this likely also includes signs of the beginning stages of menopause. While normal, many wonder how they can slow down this process, particularly women who are experiencing the hot flashes, brain fog, and more known to come along with menopause.

Board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson offers her patients a way to treat these hormonal symptoms by bringing their hormonal imbalances back into balance at Body Bar MD with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Located in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN, Dr. Christy and her team are here to help Indiana men and women feel like themselves once again.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

As men and women age, hormones start to decline. Once faced with an overload of hormones, the changes that come with this decline can be unwelcome and somewhat annoying. While some people can notice hormonal imbalances by the time they hit 30, others begin to notice them around 40 and over and consider this a tell-tale sign of aging.

Dr. Christy, however, offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for those who would like to fight these signs of aging. Utilizing BioTE pellet therapy, we can create a greater hormonal balance for both men and women. This safe and effective plant-based pellet contains the specific hormones each patient needs and is placed under the skin for a slow release of the hormones. The treatment is quick and takes place right inside of our Body Bar MD office. These hormone pellets are about the size of a grain of rice and contain enough hormones to last 3 – 6 months.

How long does it take to see results?

BHRT is a great choice for many men and women because it provides a consistent delivery of hormones, which will help our patients shake their hormone-related issues. Results vary from person to person since this is very much a personalized approach to health and wellness, but many of our patients begin to notice results within about four weeks. Dr. Christy will discuss expectations and follow-up visits with each patient to ensure their expectations are realistic and being met.

Does bioidentical hormone replacement therapy treat menopause symptoms?

For many women, the beginning signs of menopause are dreaded. The hot flashes, brain fog, memory loss, weight gain, and moodiness are unwelcome signs that their biological clock has ticked away. With BioTE bioidentical hormone therapy, however, we can create the necessary balance needed to help subside these symptoms so Carmel and Terre Haute, IN women can get back to living their greatest life.

Since Dr. Christy values each of her patients, she creates longer treatment time so she can really get to know each patient, their desires, and needs, and really help them achieve their health goals. Utilizing this simple treatment method, women can gain better mental clarity, increased energy, less moodiness, and more.

Shake off the hormonal blues

If you’re starting to notice weight gain, moodiness, fatigue, and more, it could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Both men and women experience a dip in hormone levels as they age, and have related side effects. For women, one of the more unwelcome signs of aging is menopause. No matter what hormonal imbalance symptoms you’re looking to correct, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Body Bar MD may help you feel like yourself again. For more information, get in touch with Dr. Christy at either her Carmel or Terra Haute, IN locations to schedule a consultation today.

What Body Parts Can Be Treated With Laser Liposuction?

Do you have pesky areas of unwanted fat even after diet and exercise? Traditional liposuction is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed throughout the country. This ever-evolving body sculpting treatment is for women and men wanting to remove excess fat to achieve a more trim, fit-looking appearance. However, progressive practices like Body Bar MD offer revolutionary body contouring options like laser liposuction with a fat transfer, allowing patients to remove fat in one area and add volume to another while requiring less time off from work.

The expert team at Body Bar MD, led by the wellness expert and board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson, has two convenient locations in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN. They are excited to be the only approved aesthetic facility in Indiana to offer the innovative technology of Alma BeautiFill® with their fat grafting procedures. Read on to learn more about how the laser liposuction with fat transfer process works and where this cutting-edge treatment is effective.

How does laser liposuction work?

For men and women seeking to trim down their body and look more toned and fit in more than one area, laser liposuction with fat grafting is a popular cosmetic treatment. This outpatient procedure, offered in both our Carmel and Terre Haute, IN offices, uses local anesthesia and the innovative Alma BeautiFill technology to purify fat before the grafting process. This revolutionary laser lipo method minimizes downtime by not removing unwanted fat cells with vacuum suction; instead, it uses thermal energy to heat up fatty tissue for an easier extraction process. It also spurs natural collagen production, helping donor areas look tighter and smoother afterward.

How effective is laser liposuction?

Laser lipolysis with the advanced technology of Alma BeautiFill gives traditional liposuction a fat-busting boost. It uses heat to liquefy unwanted fat cells for a long-term fat reduction solution. Laser liposuction also provides a skin tightening benefit, making it a better choice for women and men with lax skin. At the same time, results are more immediate, involving less downtime when compared to traditional methods. It can reshape, tighten, slim down, and smooth out areas by reducing fat in all the right places in one session. Typical areas of the body where laser lipo is most beneficial include:

  • Abdomen/waistline
  • Upper thighs/buttocks
  • Flanks (“love handles”)
  • Knees
  • Back
  • Upper arms
  • Underneath the chin/neck

What is fat grafting with laser liposuction?

At Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy provides the innovative laser liposuction with fat transfer treatment, giving her patients a faster and more effective procedure, targeting pockets of localized fat to be utilized in other areas of the body. Once inserted into the donor site, the cannula will emit laser energy to “melt” fat under the skin. The Alma BeautiFill technology purifies the extracted fat cells to begin the fat transfer process of adding volume to target zones, such as the face, lips, breasts, or buttocks. In just one session, men and women can rid themselves of pesky fat in certain areas of the body, and utilize healthy fat cells to contour another. Patients also endure less bruising and swelling with this outpatient procedure when compared to traditional liposuction.

With locations in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN, and convenient Saturday appointment availability, our primary goal at Body Bar MD is your wellness and health. Board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson is proud to provide her patients with the unique option of laser liposuction with fat transfer using the Alma BeautiFill system, which is designed to harvest, purify, and effectively graft fat from one area of the body to another. Contact our office to learn more about our aesthetic services, and schedule your private consultation with Dr. Christy today. You can start making your health a priority and loving the way you look.