Can You Get Bioidentical Hormone Therapy At A Young Age?

Long before a person actually goes through andropause or menopause, he or she may begin feeling the effects of hormone fluctuation. In many cases, it is safe and appropriate to begin treating hormonal imbalance at an earlier age than you might think. The caring teams at Body Bar MD in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN, led by board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) understand the frustrating nature of hormone imbalance and are proud to offer advanced to help patients get the much-needed symptom relief they deserve. Learn more about early hormone replacement therapy here, including whether it may be right for you.

When does menopause start?

For most women, menopause occurs in their late 40s, 50s, or early 60s. However, perimenopause – which is a transitional period leading up to menopause–may begin years earlier. In fact, some women begin to experience perimenopause as early as their 30s. Common signs and symptoms of perimenopause include:

  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low sex drive
  • Weight gain

Andropause, which is sometimes referred to as the male equivalent of menopause, involves a sharp decline in testosterone levels and usually affects men in their 50s. Like menopause, though, the first signs and symptoms of andropause can begin much earlier and may include:

  • Weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Thinning hair/balding
  • Low libido
  • Low energy
  • Sexual dysfunction/erectile dysfunction

Am I too young for hormone replacement therapy?

Most men and women think they have to wait until they have gone through menopause or andropause to begin hormone replacement therapy. In reality, hormone treatments can be initiated much earlier to help younger patients who are struggling with the symptoms of perimenopause, andropause, or another hormonal condition. Generally speaking, patients over 30 years of age who have concerns about abnormal hormone levels or disruptive signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance can be considered for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with Dr. Christy.

How does bioidentical hormone replacement therapy work?

At Body Bar MD, we are proud to offer the groundbreaking BioTE® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) system. This exciting treatment uses custom-compounded plant-based hormones and a unique pellet delivery system to give patients the most effective, reliable, and consistent symptom relief possible.

During your consultation for BHRT in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN, Dr. Christy will take a thorough health history, review or perform lab studies, discuss your symptoms and goals, and determine whether BioTE may be right for you. The treatment itself involves inserting tiny pellets beneath the skin of the upper buttocks/hip. These pellets work to deliver a constant dose of hormones over a 3 – 4 month period, preventing the unwanted “rollercoaster effect” associated with other hormone treatments. Throughout your course of treatment, Dr. Christy will closely monitor your symptoms and hormone levels and will make dosage adjustments as needed.

Even at a young age – as early as your 30s – BHRT can provide safe, long-lasting relief from the symptoms of declining hormones.

Regain your energy and feel more like yourself again with BHRT in Carmel, IN

Whether you’ve just begun to notice the signs of hormone changes in your 30s or you’re in your 60s and have already gone through menopause or andropause, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be the solution you’ve been looking for to feel younger and more energetic once again. If you’re interested in learning more about the exciting benefits of BioTE BHRT, call either of our convenient Body Bar MD locations in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN to schedule your private consultation with award-winning board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson today!

Will I Have Severe Swelling After Laser Lipo With Fat Transfer?

As medicine and technology continue to advance, the side effects associated with many cosmetic procedures are becoming far less severe. One of the most popular treatments is undoubtedly fat removal, which traditionally causes a significant amount of swelling and bruising. With the revolutionary Alma BeautiFill® liposuction and fat transfer system, however, patients can enjoy a more convenient procedure, shorter recovery period, and fewer side effects. As the only licensed provider of BeautiFill in Indiana, board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the expert team at Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute are proud to offer this innovative treatment for patients looking to enhance their face or body without the downtime and side effects associated with traditional liposuction.

What is laser lipo with fat transfer?

Laser liposuction with fat transfer is an exciting body and/or face contouring procedure that involves removing unwanted fat from one area of the body and using it to augment another feature. With the BeautiFill system, this once-extensive process can now be completed with an impressive rate of fat retention and stunning results.

During laser lipo plus fat transfer in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, Dr. Christy will use the advanced BeautiFill system to first harvest fat. The specialized technology gently dislodges fat cells without the need for mechanical loosening, meaning there is virtually no damage or disruption to the surrounding tissues. Next, the BeautiFill system processes and purifies the fat to isolate healthy, uniform, ideal fat cells for transfer. Dr. Christy then inserts these fat cells in the patient’s desired areas to produce gorgeous, natural-looking new contours.

Where can you get laser lipo?

Laser lipo is commonly used to remove unwanted fat in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Butt
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Chest (male)
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Neck
  • Under the chin (double chin)

In laser lipo plus fat transfer procedures, patients often utilize the harvested fat to make improvements to one or more of these features:

  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Under the eyes
  • Facial folds/wrinkles
  • Breasts
  • Butt

During your initial consultation for laser liposuction with fat transfer at Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy will listen to your concerns, discuss your desired outcome, and determine how BeautiFill can best be utilized to help make your dreams a reality.

What are the side effects of laser lipo and fat transfer?

Compared to traditional liposuction and fat transfer, BeautiFill has significantly fewer potential side effects, most of which are mild and temporary. In the majority of cases, patients can expect mild to moderate bruising, swelling, and redness. These symptoms typically resolve within 1–2 weeks, depending on the size and location of the treatment areas. For patients who have smaller areas treated, such as the lips or cheeks, recovery after laser lipo with fat transfer is often just a few days. More extensive procedures, including those involving the buttocks or breasts, may require up to 1–2 weeks of recovery time. Even so, the swelling and recovery time with laser lipo plus fat transfer is minimal compared with other fat harvesting methods, making BeautiFill a popular choice for countless men and women.

Enjoy a convenient procedure, a speedy recovery, and amazing results with laser lipo plus fat transfer in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN

If you’re looking for a more convenient alternative to liposuction that has fewer side effects and added benefits, you may be excited to learn about the possibilities of laser liposuction plus fat transfer with BeautiFill. Call either of our convenient Body Bar MD locations in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Christy Watson today, and take the first step toward getting the gorgeous, natural look you’ve always wanted!

How Effective Are KYBELLA® Injections At Reducing Facial Fat?

If you have a double chin or full neck that won’t seem to budge despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, you may benefit from professional fat reduction treatments. For men and women who want to achieve a slimmer neckline but aren’t interested in the expense and downtime associated with cosmetic surgery, board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the expert team at Body Bar MD are proud to offer revolutionary KYBELLA injections in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN. Read on to learn more about the benefits of KYBELLA for neck fat reduction here, and find out whether KYBELLA may be right for you.

I lost weight but still have a double chin

Even with weight loss, some patients continue to struggle with stubborn fat under their chin. In fact, patients who have always maintained a healthy weight can still develop a double chin at some point. For many men and women, stubborn neck fat is due to:

  • Genetics/heredity
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Age
  • Hormone changes

When a consistent diet and dedicated exercise routine fail to reduce your neck fat, it may be time to consider professional treatments. While neck liposuction is certainly an effective option for removing stubborn fat under the chin, many patients prefer a more convenient, less expensive alternative to surgery that doesn’t require a lengthy recovery period. To help these men and women achieve a slimmer silhouette, Dr. Christy offers KYBELLA injections.

How does KYBELLA work?

KYBELLA is an FDA-approved injectable product designed to reduce fat in the submental area, or under the chin, to give patients a more slender neckline and correct the appearance of a double chin. During a KYBELLA treatment in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, which can typically be completed in 15 – 20 minutes, patients will lie comfortably in one of our private rooms. If desired, a topical numbing agent can be applied to the skin to minimize any discomfort during the procedure, which involves a series of injections in the neck area. The active ingredient in KYBELLA works to destroy the fat cells’ ability to store fat, resulting in a dramatically slimmer, smoother neckline.

Does KYBELLA really work?

With a single KYBELLA treatment, patients can expect a 20 – 30% reduction in fat volume, which translates to a visibly slimmer neckline. For most patients, a series of 2 – 3 treatments spaced out about 3 – 4 weeks apart is required to achieve their desired shape. It is important to note that KYBELLA aims to reduce small amounts of stubborn submental fat. Patients with a significant amount of double chin fat, hanging neck skin, or other advanced concerns may be better suited to cosmetic surgery.

How long does KYBELLA last?

Unlike other injectable products, which are designed to be used at regular intervals, KYBELLA is intended to make long-lasting improvements after a single round of treatment. To preserve these results over time, patients should maintain a healthy, stable weight. Gaining weight after KYBELLA injections can cause the remaining fat cells to swell and/or new fat cells to be generated.

Say goodbye to your double chin and hello to a sexy silhouette with KYBELLA injections in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN

If you are embarrassed by your double chin, you know just how difficult it can be to take a flattering photo or find the right outfit to wear. With KYBELLA injections, you can finally get the slimmer, more natural neckline you’ve always wanted and feel comfortable and confident about your silhouette. To learn more about the exciting possibilities of KYBELLA neck fat reduction, call either of our convenient Body Bar MD locations in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified physician and aesthetic expert Dr. Christy Watson today!

What Is Natural Augmentation And Who Can Benefit From It?

Until relatively recently, the only real options for increasing volume in your breasts, buttocks, and face were artificial implants and injectable dermal fillers. While these treatments can certainly provide stunning results, some men and women prefer a more natural alternative to fillers and implants. To help meet these patients’ needs, board-certified physician Dr. Christy Kirkendol Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the highly skilled teams at Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN offer natural augmentation. Review the information below to get a better understanding of the natural augmentation process, including where it can be used and whether you may qualify for treatment.

How does natural augmentation work?

natural augmentation procedure involves using unwanted fat from one area of the body to fill out thin, flat, or deflated features without the need for artificial implants or synthetic fillers. During this minimally invasive procedure, which is often performed using the cutting-edge Alma BeautiFill® system, a small to moderate amount of fat will be harvested from the patient’s body and separated to isolate the purest and most viable fat cells available. Using skill, precision, and artistry, Dr. Christy then carefully injects the prepared fat into the target area in thin, fine layers. By massaging between each layer, Dr. Christy is able to sculpt a smooth, natural-looking new shape.

Where can you get natural augmentation?

Patients should keep in mind that natural augmentation with fat transfer involves two areas: the site of liposuction and the location to which it’s transferred. Common areas where fat is removed for natural augmentation include:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

Features that are commonly enhanced with natural augmentation include:

  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Cheeks
  • Face
  • Lips
  • Hands

During your initial consultation for natural augmentation in Carmel or Terre Haute, Dr. Christy will listen to your concerns, assess your problem areas, and explain how a natural augmentation may be able to help you achieve your goals.

Who chooses natural augmentation vs. implants?

You may be wondering why someone would choose natural augmentation instead of fillers or implants. While the decision is ultimately a personal one, there are some factors that may mean natural augmentation is a more fitting solution for you. Patients who may benefit most by natural augmentation include those who:

  • Are allergic to fillers
  • Desire a minimally invasive alternative to plastic surgery
  • Want to remove fat in one area and add volume to another
  • Hope to avoid a lengthy recovery period and visible scarring
  • Prefer natural treatments and procedures

Implants and fillers aren’t your only choices for getting the youthful, sexy figure you want. Consider natural augmentation in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN

If you have always dreamed of having a plumper pout or larger breasts but weren’t ready, willing, or able to undergo invasive plastic surgery, you may be a candidate for natural augmentation. Consider joining the many others who have achieved their aesthetic goals without artificial fillers and implants by scheduling your natural augmentation consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Christy Kirkendol Watson at Body Bar MD in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN today!

What Lifestyle Changes Should I Make After Medical Weight Loss?

For some men and women, maintaining long-term results is the most challenging part of weight loss. For others, shedding the pounds to begin with proves to be virtually impossible. In either case, a medical weight loss program can help. The acclaimed team at Body Bar MD, under the direction of board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy), is committed to helping patients achieve and maintain their weight loss goals with medically supervised weight loss in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN. Learn more about medical weight loss here, and find out what you can do after your program ends to continue and/or maintain your progress.


What is medical weight loss?

Sometimes referred to as medically supervised weight loss, medical weight loss programs are customized solutions to help men and women reach and maintain their ideal weight through a comprehensive approach that addresses the cause of weight gain and/or weight loss resistance, behavioral/psychological factors, and more. Medical weight loss with Dr. Christy, or one of her Physcian Assistants, Dina, or Paul may include a combination of the following:


  • Nutrition guidance
  • Supplements
  • Meal plan
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Weight loss medication/appetite suppressant
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Counseling
  • Ongoing monitoring and support


During your consultation for medically supervised weight loss at Body Bar MD, Dr. Christy will take a detailed health history, perform any necessary blood work, and analyze your anatomy using the advanced InBody 720 measurement scanner. Additionally, Dr. Christy will take ample time to discuss your concerns, goals, and any questions you may have. Using all of this information, Dr. Christy will formulate a custom-tailored weight loss program that best meets your needs. Over the course of your program, Dr. Christy will closely monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to give you the best possible chance for long-term success.


How long is a medical weight loss program?

Because medically supervised weight loss is personalized based on the individual’s unique situation, the program length can vary from patient to patient. Generally speaking, patients should expect their medical weight loss program to last several weeks or months.


How can I avoid gaining weight again after medical weight loss?

Many patients understandably have worries about regaining weight after their medically supervised weight loss plan has ended. However, Dr. Christy takes great care to ensure that patients have all of the tools and knowledge to continue or maintain their progress on their own. Throughout your treatment plan, you will learn to develop healthy habits that will set you up for success. Some of the most beneficial lifestyle changes that patients can make after completing a medical weight loss program include:

  • Continue following nutrition, supplement, and fitness plans
  • Rid your home of unhealthy foods and drinks
  • Plan and prep your meals in advance
  • Keep a record or journal of what you eat each day
  • Minimize restaurant outings
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption (empty calories)
  • Set a step/activity goal each day
  • Live a more active lifestyle (walk to work if possible, take the stairs, etc.)
  • Find an accountability partner
  • Ask your family for support
  • Have realistic expectations

Once your medical weight loss program has ended, it can be tempting to return to your old ways. By making these healthy lifestyle changes, however, patients can maximize their opportunity for success. It is also important to be patient and have realistic expectations when it comes to weight loss, both during and after your program. Even with dedication and motivation, it is normal for many patients to experience peaks, valleys, and plateaus during a weight loss journey. With Dr. Christy’s guidance, you don’t have to do it alone!


Healthy habits can turn into long-lasting results after medically supervised weight loss in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN

Whether you’ve tried every fad diet over the last 20 years without success or simply need help losing those last ten pounds and keeping it off, medical weight loss provides a personalized solution to help you succeed. To learn more about the benefits of medically supervised weight loss programs, call your nearest Body Bar MD location in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN to schedule your private consultation with esteemed board-certified physician Dr. Christine Kirkendol Watson today!

What Side Effects Can Occur With Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

For many men and women suffering from the unwanted symptoms of hormone imbalance, menopause, or andropause, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can be life-changing. Like all medications, bioidentical hormone therapy has some possible side effects to be aware of, though they are typically mild and temporary. Use this helpful information from the award-winning team at Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN, under the direction of board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christine Kirkendol Watson (aka Dr. Christy), to better understand the potential side effects – and benefits – of BHRT.

Do I need hormone replacement therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is frequently used by men and women who have reached menopause or andropause, but it can also be beneficial for younger patients who are experiencing the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance, perimenopause, or another condition.

Signs of hormone imbalance in women:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Thinning hair
  • Increased facial hair
  • Osteoporosis

Signs of hormone imbalance in men:

  • Depression
  • Low energy level
  • Low libido
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Thinning hair/balding
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts)

If you are experiencing any of the above, you may be a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Body Bar MD.

What is BHRT?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, is a groundbreaking treatment for restoring hormone levels to the normal physiologic range using plant-based hormones those naturally produced by the body. Because of this, bioidentical hormones are typically absorbed and processed more efficiently than other hormone replacement medications. In addition, bioidentical hormones are custom-compounded based on each patient’s specific needs and levels, further enhancing the treatment’s efficacy.

At Body Bar MD in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN, Dr. Christy offers the widely popular BioTE® bioidentical hormone replacement pellet delivery system. As part of this unique treatment, small pellets are inserted just beneath the patient’s skin every few months. These customized pellets deliver a consistent dose of medication until they have fully dissolved, dramatically reducing the ups and downs associated with other HRT systems.

Does BHRT have any side effects?

Like virtually all medications and therapies, there are some potential risks and side effects associated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. These may include:

  • Mood changes
  • Headache
  • Abdominal bloating or GI disturbance
  • Breast tenderness
  • Skin changes/blemishes
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Facial hair growth (women)
  • Menstrual changes (women)

In the majority of cases, BioTE side effects are mild and occur after the patient’s initial dose of medication and improve once their body has adjusted to the new hormone levels. Should a patient experience unwanted side effects of BHRT, their dose and/or medication can be adjusted.

More serious risks of hormone replacement therapy include blood clots, heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke. Dr. Christy is highly experienced in the delivery of BHRT and takes great care to assess and monitor the safety of hormone replacement therapy for each patient in order to minimize any possible risks or side effects.

Feel more like yourself again with bioidentical hormone therapy in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN

With the virtually endless list of processes controlled by our hormones, it’s no surprise that hormonal imbalance can make you feel like a completely different person. To learn more about how BHRT can normalize your hormone levels and have you feeling better than ever, call Body Bar MD in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Christine Kirkendol Watson today. We look forward to helping you live life to the fullest once again with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy!

Put An End To Unwanted Neck Fat With Laser Liposuction

For countless men and women, stubborn neck fat is one of the most frustrating side effects of weight loss, aging, or simply genetics. Even relatively young and fit patients often struggle with excess fat in the neck that makes them look heavier than they actually are. Board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) and the acclaimed team at Body Bar MD are proud to offer the breakthrough Alma BeautiFill® laser liposuction system in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN to help patients get rid of their double chin and, in some cases, enhance another feature in a single step! Read on to learn more about laser lipo for neck fat here, and find out whether you may qualify for this groundbreaking procedure.

How can I get rid of my double chin?

Like it or not, people of virtually any age and size can develop a double chin. In some cases, genetics and/or hormones are to blame, while other men and women begin to notice excess neck fat as a result of weight loss or the aging process. Unfortunately, losing weight is not always effective for reducing neck fat. For patients frustrated by hanging neck fat, laser liposuction offers the incredible opportunity to restore a slimmer, sexier, more youthful neckline with long-lasting results.

What is laser lipo?

Much like traditional liposuction, laser lipo is designed to remove fat cells from the body using a minimally invasive approach. However, laser liposuction offers a number of compelling benefits compared to regular liposuction, including:

  • Can be performed using local anesthesia
  • Quicker recovery period
  • Less postoperative swelling
  • More efficient fat removal
  • No damage to surrounding tissues
  • Encourages skin tightening
  • Smaller incisions
  • Fat can be used to enhance another feature in a single step
  • Higher fat survival rate for fat transfer

How does laser lipo for neck fat work?

During laser liposuction in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN, patients will be given a gentle form of local anesthesia to ensure comfort. To begin, Dr. Christy will make a tiny incision near the treatment site, through which a handheld cannula will be inserted. The BeautiFill system will then emit precise heat energy to loosen the fat cells, making them easier to remove and preventing damage to the surrounding tissues and the fat cells themselves. In addition, the laser energy promotes skin tightening for an even more dramatic transformation. At the conclusion of the case, the incision is closed with tiny sutures. Patients can resume the majority of their routines within just a few days, though strenuous physical activity and exercise should be restricted until cleared by Dr. Christy.

Where does the fat go after laser lipo?

In addition to giving patients a firmer and more slender neckline, the BeautiFill system also allows men and women to augment another feature through its all-in-one laser lipo plus fat transfer technology. After the unwanted fat has been removed, BeautiFill’s advanced technology separates and purifies it, leaving only high-quality, uniform fat cells. This fat can then be injected into other areas of the face and body, including:

  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Under the eyes
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks

Unlike traditional liposuction with fat grafting, the BeautiFill system accomplishes laser lipo, fat purification, and fat transfer in a swift, single step with gorgeous, reliable, long-lasting results.

Say goodbye to your double chin and hello to a plumper pout or fuller cheeks with laser lipo and fat transfer

In today’s fast-paced world, we are all looking for more efficient, convenient, and longer-lasting alternatives to our favorite treatments. If you’re excited about the idea of addressing unwanted neck fat and lost facial volume in a single step, laser liposuction with fat transfer may be right for you. To learn more about this revolutionary procedure, call either of our convenient Body Bar MD locations in Terre Haute and Carmel, IN to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Christy Watson today!

Can BeautiFill® Last Longer in Cheeks Than Fillers?

High cheekbones are a common sign of youth and beauty. Over time, our skin loses volume, causing flat cheeks and a wrinkled appearance. Fat grafting is a procedure that uses your own unwanted fat cells to restore volume in your cheeks. Dr. Christy Watson produces results that are softer and more long-lasting than traditional dermal fillers. BeautiFill allows people to reduce fat in one area of their body while enhancing another. Best of all, this outpatient procedure can be completed in just one appointment. If you’re interested in this cutting-edge technology, call Body Bar MD in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN. We are proud to be the only facility in Indiana to offer laser lipo fat transfer.

What is BeautiFill?

Most people are already familiar with liposuction procedures, which remove unnecessary fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips, or other places. BeautiFill is a laser-based treatment that removes fat and uses it to enhance areas that have lost volume over time. Patients can improve their temples, cheek, chin, nasolabial folds, jowls, and other facial areas for a shapely look. Because your own fat cells are used, treatment is considered both safe and effective.

What about dermal fillers?

Traditional dermal fillers are an excellent way to add volume to the cheeks and other areas. However, this approach does not provide a lasting solution. Most fillers are made from a substance called hyaluronic acid and generally last up to a year. Periodic touch-up treatments may also be required based on your cosmetic goals. In contrast, BeautiFill can restore volume in your cheeks for up to five years with no maintenance involved.

Is BeautiFill right for me?

Ideal candidates for BeautiFill are considering fat transfer surgery but are uninterested in invasive liposuction procedures. You may struggle with flat or sagging cheeks and excess fat in areas like the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. Dr. Christy can perform an assessment and make sure you are at a consistent weight before your procedure. Keep in mind that any significant weight fluctuations after BeautiFill may alter your results.

How laser lipo fat transfer is performed

BeautiFill is an outpatient procedure performed in Carmel and Terre Haute, IN. As we mentioned, patients only require one session to get the results they want. Our office begins by cleaning the treatment areas and giving you a form of anesthesia. We then insert a special tool called a cannula to remove fat. The BeautiFill technology is then used to process and purify the fat before it is administered into your cheeks.

How to extend your BeautiFill results

Fat grafting is not permanent because your body slowly absorbs the added fat over time. However, there are ways to make your results last as long as possible after restoring volume in your cheeks. Follow these steps in the weeks and months after your BeautiFill session:

  • Do not gain weight on purpose before or after your fat transfer

  • Follow our post-operative instructions closely

  • Avoid placing direct pressure on the treatment sites

  • Eat healthily and exercise regularly

BeautiFill for cheek volume

Aging causes quite a lot of changes in our skin. If you are tired of traditional dermal fillers and are interested in laser lipo fat transfer, meet with the professionals at Body Bar MD. Dr. Christy Watson is proud to offer BeautiFill for cheek volume and more in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN.

Why is Counseling During A Medical Weight Loss Program Important?

When you’re struggling to lose weight on your own or if you’re finding it difficult to keep the weight off, a medically supervised weight loss program can help. Board-certified physician and wellness expert Dr. Christy Watson (aka Dr. Christy) helps men and women across Terre Haute and Carmel, IN to achieve their long-term weight loss goals. She provides an advanced, personalized medical weight loss program at Body Bar MD that is customized for each patient. During a consultation, you can learn more about how medical weight loss programs work and whether you may qualify for this treatment.

What is medically supervised weight loss?

A medical weight loss program is a comprehensive treatment plan customized to meet the needs, goals, and health of each patient. This is more than just a diet or exercise plan. Medically supervised weight loss offers an in-depth evaluation of a patient’s progress, education on living a healthy lifestyle, support, and behavioral counseling. All of these things help men and women to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. In most cases, Dr. Christy creates a custom medical weight loss program that includes a combination of the following:

  • Comprehensive wellness evaluation

  • Counseling

  • Fitness/exercise program

  • Nutrition plan

  • Ongoing monitoring and support

  • Weight loss medication

Behavioral counseling for weight loss helps patients to work through poor eating patterns, self-image issues, and other things that impact their self-confidence.

Am I a good candidate for medical weight loss?

Patients who are considering a medical weight loss program should be in fairly good overall health and be committed to following through. This weight loss program can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Your initial consultation for medical weight loss in Terre Haute or Carmel, IN may involve different tests, studies, and other medical evaluations that help her determine whether you are a good candidate for treatment, including:

  • Detailed health history

  • EKG

  • Lab work

  • Imaging studies

  • Physical exam

  • Psychological evaluation

Can I participate in a medical weight loss program if I have diabetes?

For those with diabetes, losing weight can be even more challenging than other patients. However, losing weight will dramatically improve or reverse certain signs or symptoms of your diabetes. Because medical weight loss involves a customized treatment plan and close monitoring from Dr. Christy at Body Bar MD, it is both safe and effective, even for men and women with diabetes.

However, there are some men and women who may not qualify for medically supervised weight loss. This is determined by their health history and other factors. Some conditions that may prevent you from participating in our medically supervised weight loss program in Carmel or Terre Haute, IN include:

  • Breastfeeding

  • Cancer

  • Heart disorder or a history of cardiac health problems

  • Kidney dysfunction or problems

  • Pregnancy

  • Thyroid disorder

Learn more about the best medical weight loss programs near me

When you’re looking for a medical weight loss program near you, it’s important to choose a certified and experienced provider. Dr. Christy offers the most current technologies and tools available to help her patients achieve and maintain weight loss. This includes the use of the InBody720 scanner and the Robard New Direction Advanced program. To learn if medical weight loss is right for you, call Body Bar MD today to schedule a consultation at our Terre Haute or Carmel, IN office.

How Long Can You Take Bioidentical Hormones?

If you are an adult who is approaching middle-age, you probably have noticed some changes in your mind and body. These changes are due to declining hormones and are normal. However, many of our patients at Body Bar MD are interested in learning how to reverse these changes. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with BioTE® is a treatment that Dr. Christy Watson offers her adult patients over 40 who need to have their hormone levels balanced.

Men and women have different symptoms for declining hormone levels. Men often experience weight gain, fatigue, low libido or erectile dysfunction, and hair loss. Women likely experience fatigue, weight gain, a low libido, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. Dr. Christy helps her patients figure out if they need hormone replacement, including bioidentical hormone pellets. Dietary changes, supplements, and BHRT all help bring your hormone imbalance back into balance. At Body Bar MD, we use BHRT at our Terre Haute and Carmel, IN offices, as it is a natural, physiological way to rebalance hormones.

Symptoms of a hormonal deficiency

Some common symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Hot or cold temperature changes

  • Excessive sweating

  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss

  • Mood changes

  • Excessive hair growth

  • Hair loss

  • Low libido

  • Breast tenderness

During a consultation, Dr. Christy can determine if you will benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Generally, those with blood clotting disorders, liver disease, gallbladder disease, heart disease, or who have a history of stroke are not eligible for this treatment.

Am I a good candidate for hormone therapy?

When you are over 30, you are probably a good candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Indiana. At this age, your body is producing 3 – 10% less of the critical hormones it needs as each year passes. For women going through menopause, BHRT can help to replace estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. For men going through andropause, it helps their testosterone deficiency. It has been proven to help provide better mental clarity, increase energy levels, and improve libido. It also can help patients with fibromyalgia and thyroid issues. This hormone replacement therapy can increase the functionality of your thyroid and reduce the side effects of an over or underactive thyroid.

How does BioTE therapy work?

BioTE uses pellet therapy to balance hormone levels in men and women effectively. The pellet is carefully placed under the skin to release the much-needed hormones. As a result, the symptoms and unpleasant side effects of hormone imbalances are removed over time.

How long can I have bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

Dr. Christy recommends that women in menopause only take HRT when their symptoms are hard to deal with, usually only up to five years. For some patients, yes, symptoms may return, but you can try other hormonal replacement therapies, including topical creams. If you’re having hormone therapy through pellets, they last about four months at a time. Our staff can determine the proper frequency of your therapy sessions.

How bioidentical hormone replacement therapy works

At Body Bar MD, we work hard to help all of our patients. Dr. Christy takes great care to discuss your concerns about therapy and your goals for treatment. We will also take blood to evaluate your hormone levels and to rule out other medical conditions. This up-to-date hormone panel helps us pinpoint where we need to focus our hormone replacement therapy most.

Once we’ve established where your hormone deficiency is, we will have a BioTE bioidentical hormone therapy pellet inserted beneath your skin. These pellets are compounded with either estradiol or testosterone, and are about the size of a grain of rice. We insert the pellet under the skin of your hip right in our Terre Haute or Carmel, IN offices. These pellets will release hormones slowly into your bloodstream and will last anywhere from 3 – 6 months, depending on your sex.

This consistent delivery of hormones helps you shake off fatigue, slows down hormone-related weight gain, and helps to control mood changes. When you begin to notice a difference will differ from patient to patient, but many experience significant results in as little as four weeks.

Learn more about bioidentical hormone therapy near me

When you’re interested in learning how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy works, schedule a consultation with Dr. Christy Watson. She will take the necessary time to help her patients understand what to expect and discuss any specific follow-up with you during your hormone replacement therapy planning. At this time, we can discuss the benefits of bioidentical hormones for your health. To schedule a consultation to learn more about BHRT, call our Terre Haute or Carmel, IN offices.